Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

The Group Name's Philosophy

Hello everyone. Welcome to the “Profit Makers” blog. We are a group of economic students of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY), and we created this blog for Mr. Alex’s Financial Management class (KEU230 / FINANCE 230) during the first semester of the 2011/12 academic year. We hope that readers of this blog would be able to learn something about Financial Management because we, as the writers of this blog, are sure that we would be learning in the process. We know that we are far from perfect and we are open to any discussion that relates to our blog. Thank you.

What does “Profit Makers” mean?
 First of all, we need to understand the two terms that we are using in this phrase:
  • Profit. Of course, as we learned before in microeconomics, we concluded that a company should not only achieve accounting profit (revenues>costs) but also economic profit. This kind of profit is our main concern. Economic profit is about the difference between total costs, including opportunity costs gave up to produce total revenues.
  • Makers. As economic students, we do not want to talk about economic profit only, but also involved in producing it. That’s why we have set our mind to be the ‘makers.'

Why do we call ourselves “Profit Makers”?
    In our opinion, everyone in the world love money. However, everyone hates costs. It would be great if we live in a world where everything is free of costs. Yet, where there is money there are always costs. Don’t you agree? How about profits? Does everyone love profits? It would be a very difficult challenge to find someone who hates profits. However, making profit is not a really easy thing to do. In most situations, making profit is essential and very challenging. We believe that people who are able to make profits in their organization are successful people who are able to overcome many challenges that are becoming unpredictable.

    Ironically, we are still a group of economic students. We haven’t been profit makers yet but in this process, we want to set up our minds to give the best value in every chance we are doing. We don’t want to speak nonsense about this but we really want to learn how to be profitable, since we have to exchange many factors (more than financial things) including money and opportunities to get the biggest economic profit.

    Hopefully, when we pass this introductory class, we will be able to have broader perspective to achieve not only accounting but also economic profit.

    Members’ profile

        We love an Indonesian proverb, “Tak kenal, maka tak sayang.” This proverb means that if we are not familiar with someone or something then we cannot have a good connection with the person or the thing. Therefore, we would like to introduce ourselves first.

    Hello everyone! I am Ansgarius Albion. I am from the same university as others, Universitas Atma Jaya Jogjakarta in process to finish my undergraduate program in International Business and Management Program (IBMP) class of 2010. I’m in doubt whether to choose Finance or Marketing as my specific field. I study IBMP because I like uncertainty (in economy, of course). My blood is pure Javanese but I grew up in Palembang city on Sumatra Island, so I must be unable to talk to you in formal Javanese. I am from a simple good family. As you guys can see, I love sheep, as my Lord Jesus is my real Shepherd (spiritual understanding).

    Hi everyone. My name is Peniel Jefferson Simarmata but most people call me Jeff. I’m currently taking my undergraduate degree at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY). I enrolled at UAJY during the year of 2010 and took the International Financial Accountancy Program (IFAP). I’m blessed to be studying in this university, especially in this program, because I’m able to receive education that most people in Indonesia cannot have and also improve my English. I believe that there are no limits for learning. We are able to learn about many things in this world but it’s up to us to decide what to learn. In contradiction to what many people think about me, I’m actually pure Batak because my Dad and Mom are pure Batak. My parents are typical Batak parents because they often encourage me to learn about Batak traditions, practices, and rules. I try my best to make my parents proud of me because they have many expectations for me but I think what’s more important is that I have to do my best for my future.

    Hello my friend, my name is Edi Kristianto, you can call me edi, ed, or whatever you want. Now I’m studying the International Financial Accountancy Program (IFAP) at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. I take that program because I’m very interested in Accounting and I hope in my future I can be a very good and competence accountant that works on a big company. I am originally from Yogyakarta, my dad is from Central Java and my mom is from Yogyakarta. I hope I can learn more about financial management so I can manage my financial well ^^.

    Hi guys, my name is Yosua Surya Pribadi but you can call me Yosua. I come from magelang, central JAva (about 50km from Yogyakarta). Now, i'm studying in the third semester of international financial accountancy program (IFAP) at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY). I'm very happy to study here and also fell challanged in every semester on the courses that i took on each semester. I hope to do my best in this semester included in this financial management course.